I read a blog about the song "MARY DID YOU KNOW?" A beautiful song that was called horrific for it put Mary down, I guess. In a way it did, for Mary, when she said yes, did know this was the Son of God, her Savior, our Savior, the Lamb of God and when she kissed his face, yes, she knew. She was kissing the face of God. The subject though, or the question that popped into my mind, Do we know?
Do we know that we are a child of God and what all that means? Do we know that like Jesus we walk in his footsteps, we can do what he did, we will live/love like he did, and we will also suffer like he did.? Do we know what our yes will mean when we say yes to giving our will unto the Father? "Be it done unto us according to your will." (In God's wisdom — he would say — it is best you do not know.)
Did Mary know all that Jesus would experience as a human who humbled himself and gave complete control of his life on earth to the Father. "I only do and say what the Father tells me to do and say."
Do we know what our children, that we give birth too, do we know what they will experience at the hands of mankind? (Oh, how that hurts my heart to even think of what all my children have encountered as they grew, and some of it because of our poor parenting skills.)
If we knew, would we have been so willing to say yes to children coming into our lives? Would Mary also have said yes, if she knew all the Jesus would suffer and how he would die? I do even wonder if Jesus knew what all would be felt, and he would have experienced here in his earthly life. Why? Because the only way he could say to us human beings –"I am the Way, the Truth and the Light" — is to be able to say, "I know what it is like to live as a human and deal with all those human emotions and weaknesses, but here is the way to make it to the light at the end of all the darkness we encounter here on earth. I have the truth and the answers to help you. Listen to me and learn from me.
Oh, he knew for besides living with a human nature, He still was an all-knowing Son of God.
Notice though, Jesus had to mature in wisdom and grace at age 12 before he could minister to all at age 30 with compassion, mercy, kindness, accepting love, understanding and wisdom. Living life is how we are gifted with these gifts. They enable us to see the face of God in another and reach out with a hug, a kiss and a kind word that says — I know and I understand. Peace be with you — beloved of God — and know that you are loved more than we ever know for God's love is endless, yet complete too.