Here are some of the stories you missed if you didn't read Arkansas Catholic's Dec. 14 issue. Some of the stories and columns in Arkansas Catholic appear only in the print and digital editions. To read what you're missing, subscribe today.
On anniversary, pope’s vocation is his favorite gift
VATICAN CITY — In Caravaggio’s painting of Matthew, the sinful tax collector being called by Jesus to “Follow me,” Pope Francis sees the same unexpected, grace-filled moment found in his own call to the priesthood.
Friendly faces
Madison Burton (from left), Abby Fuller and Divi Paruchuri and other students at St. Joseph Preschool in Conway present their Christmas program Dec. 2. (Photo)
Nathan Johnson leaves his mark on CHS football team
There has never been a time that Nathan Johnson wasn’t playing football. The Catholic High senior wideout started playing the flag variety in kindergarten and followed that love affair all the way through pee wee leagues, middle school teams and finally, as a member of the CHS Rockets.
Mom is wonder woman
Julia Webb, a member of Christ the King Church in Little Rock, put everyone to shame at last month’s Route 66 Marathon in Tulsa, Okla. Not only did the 36-year-old win the women’s half-marathon event and not only did she do so while pushing her youngest daughter in a stroller, her time of … (Sports briefs)
What is your favorite religious gift?
“The best religious gift I have ever received was a Catholic devotional book for teenage boys, given to me by my mother. It put the Catholic faith into the perspective of a teenage boy, how someone my age would … (Youthspeak, Seeds of Faith)
Can we set aside our differences this Advent?
How is your supply of Christmas cheer doing these days? Mine is in rather short supply. Every year around this time I grouse about the Christmas ads in September and the Christmas music in October, the carefully crafted marketing intended to prompt a Pavlovian response of debt-fueled consumerism. (Columns)
Protest nativities can open more eyes
The Church proclaims uncomfortable truths, as Bishop Anthony B. Taylor has reminded us in countless homilies. Jesus said things that made people uncomfortable. And people are uncomfortable with being uncomfortable. (Editorial)