Here are some of the stories you missed if you didn't read Arkansas Catholic's Sept. 28 issue. Some of the stories and columns in Arkansas Catholic appear only in the print and complete digital editions. To read what you're missing, subscribe today.
New Supreme Court term takes up hot issues
WASHINGTON — The upcoming Supreme Court term — which starts Oct. 7 — will offer plenty of cases that Catholics will be paying close attention to, including: the status of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, a number of religious liberty cases including a school-choice program in Montana and workplace discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender.
Riding in style
St. Joseph High School Beauty Queen Emily Briggler rides in style during the Faulkner County Fair Parade Sept. 17. (Photo)
MSM theology teacher was mother of five children
Julia Stevens, a Mount St. Mary Academy teacher and a member of Our Lady of the Holy Souls Church in Little Rock, died Sept. 9. She was … (Obituaries)
2,200 fetal remains found in home after Indiana abortion doctor dies
SOUTH BEND, Ind. — The Sept. 13 disclosure that the preserved remains of more than 2,200 aborted babies had been found at the rural Illinois home of the recently deceased Indiana abortionist Ulrich “George” Klopfer has sparked outrage and demands for immediate investigations by authorities.
Abortion rate doesn’t tell the whole story
WASHINGTON — The pro-life community is cheering a report released Sept. 18 that indicates the number and rate of abortions nationwide have fallen to their lowest levels since the Supreme Court’s Roe v. Wade decision legalized abortion on demand in 1973.
What is blasphemy against the Holy Spirit?
Q. I’m puzzled by the words from St. Mark’s Gospel “Amen, I say to you, all sins and all blasphemies that people utter will be forgiven them. But whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit will never have forgiveness, but is guilty of an everlasting sin.” How does one blaspheme against the Holy Spirit? (Question Corner, Seeds of Faith)
Forgetting to live: When we think ‘real life’ is elsewhere
In an effort to break my “look at the Facebook app every time I have a free minute” habit, I have been trying to read little snippets from spiritual books during my down time. The latest book has been the excellent “Searching for and Maintaining Peace” by Father Jacques Philippe. Like everything he writes, it is fabulous. I highly recommend you read anything of his that you can get your hands on. (Columns)
Repent, convert for sins against creation
Is the greatest emergency in this country illegal immigration or what about opioid addiction? Maybe you believe it is gun violence. (Editorial)