Arkansas Catholic shares the news that matters most

Here are some of the stories you missed if you didn't read Arkansas Catholic's Sept. 21 issue. Some of the stories and columns in Arkansas Catholic appear only in the print and complete digital editions. To read what you're missing, subscribe today.


Apostle’s bones go to Constantinople

VATICAN CITY — Pope Francis said giving fragments of St. Peter’s bones to the head of the church founded by Peter’s brother, St. Andrew, was meant to be a reminder and encouragement of the journey toward Christian unity.

Religious partner with ‘water women’, hope to eradicate cholera in Haiti

MIDDLETOWN, Ky. — As Sister Larraine Lauter held the tiny hand of an infant patient at a cholera clinic in Verrettes, Haiti, two years ago, she made a silent promise.

It’s OK to not have all the answers, but to grow in faith, we must ask

What do most of us do when we have a question or want to know something? “Hey Google, …?” “Siri, what does … mean?” “Alexa, where can I find …?” We ask freely throughout the day and people do not seem to mind this seeking. (Understanding our Church, Seeds of Faith)

Who is your Catholic role model?

“My role model is Maria Abramovitz. Maria is my older cousin, and since I moved to Arkansas three years ago, I was able to spend more time with her and I have gotten to know her better. Maria is a kind person and is easy to get to know. She is …” (Youthspeak, Seeds of Faith)

Our generous God never wavers in his love for us prodigals

Whenever I walk in my front door, our dogs Maya and Bogie will wiggle, bark and jump up and down with excitement. Time never matters — it could be after a long work day or 30 seconds after walking out without my coffee, I’ll get the same reaction. (Columns)

Pope receives a warm embrace in Africa

It’s not surprising that Pope Francis got a rousing reception at every stop of his weeklong pastoral journey to three countries of east Africa. (Guest commentary)

The infanticide states aren’t talking about

When an abortion fails — which does happen — and a baby is born, doctors can still ensure the baby does die and dispose of the remains. (Editorial)

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