
Collin Gallimore and Anthony Reiter: Video stars

Collin Gallimore (left) and Anthony Reiter stand with a camera at St. Mary of the Springs Church Parish Hall.
Collin Gallimore (left) and Anthony Reiter stand with a camera at St. Mary of the Springs Church Parish Hall.

What better way to spread the faith to young people than on YouTube? Two young adults from Hot Springs felt the calling recently and have created their own channel to share teachings and music they love.

Collin Gallimore and Anthony Reiter, both 18-year-old members of St. Mary of the Springs Church, call their channel Caffeinated Catholic. They have already created three videos aimed at teaching other young people about the Church, relationships with Christ and how to live as young Christians.

The idea to use YouTube as a platform was made after a drive to Little Rock for a diocesan Youth Advisory Council meeting. 

“We talked about that we wanted to do some type of ministry,” said Reiter, who will attend National Park College in Hot Springs in the fall.

“We had an hourlong ride to YAC, and we have nothing on our plates. And we got the inspiration to create Caffeinated Catholic,” said Gallimore, who will attend the University of Central Arkansas in Conway.

While Reiter is the writer, Gallimore produces the 15- to 35-minute videos. The videos usually include music, prayer and dialogues on how they see religion and the world.

“This is extremely relevant to everybody. Atheists and people of other religions,” Gallimore said.

The two met and became friends during confirmation classes. Gallimore, who was awarded the diocese’s St. Timothy Award, attended St. John School and graduated from Christian Ministries Academy. Reiter graduated from Hot Springs High School in May.

Although they will attend different colleges this fall, they intend to keep working on the video ministry.

“We won’t be that far away,” Reiter said. “We’ll get together at least every month.”

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