John Matthew Rogers, student body president, was the master of ceremonies for the Catholic High School graduation May 24 on the school’s Roy Davis Field. The speakers were valedictorian Alexander Christopher Bromley and Cameron Alexander Willis.
The salutatorian was Jacob Wesley Roset, son of Kathryn and Bjorn Roset. He will study defense and strategic studies at the U.S. Military Academy.
Other graduates are:
Thomas Brunner Allen
James Pierce Althoff
Angel Andres Alvarez
Pedro Alvarez
Barrett Baker Atwood
Jack Hartman Baker
Philip Andrew Ball
Brandon Thomas Bates
Sebastian Manuel Bea-Hernandez
Ethan Scott Beall
William Davis Bennett
William Andrew Biernat
Fuller Dodds Birch
Jesse McLain Bischof
Brandon Michael Boggs
Cyrus Ridgely Bond
Clarke Addison Bowen
Douglas Monroe Braswell
Cross Anthony Cardenas
Jackson Adam Carroll
Matthew Evan Cash
Jacob Michael Cecil
Nicholas Alexander Cobb
Kirk Croft Coleman
Sean Aidan Colleran
Colton Dean Comford
Charles William Cook
Henry John Coppens
Marcus Anthony Crawford
William Cotter Cunningham
Joshua Douglas McCall Dawson
Maximum Scott Dawson
Christopher Dax de Bin
Sebastian James De Sousa-Green
Joshua Ray Dean
Ethan Joseph Dearworth
Nicholas Scott Doerhoff
Michael Patrick Donlon
David Nicholas Doty
Matthew Tedford Dudley
Kyle Andrew Eberdt
Robert Gabriel Ellis
Matthew Pierce Findlay
Sullivan Walter Fitz
Kyle Barton Fogleman
Davis Albers Foltz
John Maxwell Foster
Ethan Lowery Fowler
Thomas McGinnis Franks
Nathaniel Corbit Geoghagan
Matthew Wilkes Gephardt
Thomas Abraham Gerson
Dominic Michael Giangarra
John Francis Gibby
Nicolas Brenden Gonzales
Anthony Graham Govia
Christopher Landon Gray
Robert Elliott Hagberg
Jacobo Felipe Haislop
Luke Alexander Haslauer
Garner Wilson Hodge
Ayham Thomas Isaac
Blake Alexander Jameson
Patricio Henry Jara
Garrett Alan Jenkins
Elijah Israel Jennings
Hudgens Buchanan Jeter
Samuel Ahmad Johnson
Dalton Scott Jones
Drew Michael Jones
Stephen Louis Jones
Henry Rasberry Jordan
William Alexander Justice
Trevor Alan Karther
William Selby Kennedy
William Harrison King
Kevin Jacob Kita
Matthew Alexander Kronenberger
Kamps Alexander Larson
John Griffin Leake
Ethan West Lehman
Josef Cecil Limmer
Steven Joseph Long
Andrew Griffey Lorio
Dylan Michael Loszak
Timothy David Luft
Tyler Thomas Mackenzie
Jack Michael Manchester
Beau Thomas Marr
Daniel Allen Maxenberger
John Calhoun Mayfield
Robert Willis McConnell
Jordan Collins McCuin
Jacob Reagon McGill
Jacob Scott McKinney
Jacob Christopher McNeil
Jordan Walker Meacham
Samuel Thomas Melson
Thomas Cooper Monroe
Miles Nelson Montgomery
Lucas Alexander Morton
Gerardo Emmanuel Narvaez-Garcia
Grant Christopher Nesmith
Jacob Richard Newland
Joseph William Niemann
Henry Fuller Nolan
Charles Reynolds Olaimey
David Alexander Orsini
Jackson Gregory O’Shea
James Lee Owens
Lorne Cravens Paladino
Mason Anthony Paladino
Carson Keith Phillips
Nelson Patrick Pierce
William Cole Plafcan
Mays Rogers Porter
Kyle Matthew Price
Ethan James Pruitt
Walt Beckham Reber
Maxwell Raine Rice
Danny M Rico
Nathan Samuel Rives
Avery Rush Robbins
John Matthew Rogers
Ralph Christopher Ronquillo
Grant Marshall Rosenthal
Ethan Lewis Russell
Ugo Vittorio Sala
Caleb Dallas Sanders
Jacob Reed Schneider
Augustus David Shenker
Brad Elliott Smith
Charles Leon Smith
Hayden Russell Smith
Zachary Ray Smith
Thomas Patrick Staab
Michael Tobias Steinkamp
Wilton Robert Stephens
Evan Joseph Stewart
Pierce Robert Strohecker
Scott Edward Tabor
Jacob Aaron Thompson
Lawson Bond Tiffee
Jack Henry Timmis
Luis Alejandro Torres
Jackson Christopher Travis
Dutch Christopher Turner
Bruce Will Varela-Gonzalez
Preston Michael Vondran
Hunter Reed Waters
Harold Peter Watts
Lloyd George Webre
Steven Douglas Weeks
Landon Avery Wells
Matthew Alexander Wilcox
Landry Alan Williams
Lewin McDonald Williams
Cameron Alexander Willis
Tristan Issac Willse
Worth Wade Wilsey
Noah Robert Wilson
Will Owen Wilson
Ethan Scott Wold
Zane Elliott Worsham
William Henry Young
Calvin David Zawislak