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Here are some of the stories you missed if you didn't read Arkansas Catholic's May 18 issue. Some of the stories and columns in Arkansas Catholic appear only in the print and complete digital editions. To read what you're missing, subscribe today.


U.S. Church leaders welcome Vatican’s new sexual abuse reporting rules

WASHINGTON — U.S. Church leaders welcomed the norms issued by Pope Francis May 9 giving clear direction to the global Catholic Church about reporting abuse and holding Church leaders accountable, saying it confirms what they already have in place and also gives them a way forward.

Filling stomachs

Faith formation students at St. Mary of the Springs Church in Hot Springs collect peanut butter, cereal, crackers and macaroni and cheese for the parish’s food pantry. (Photo)

Founder of L’Arche dies

TORONTO — Jean Vanier, 90, founder of L’Arche communities and co-founder of Faith and Light, died May 7. Vanier had been suffering from cancer and was assisted at a L’Arche facility in Paris.

Leadership retreat for girls a success in LR

A group of sixth- and seventh-grade girls from public and private schools throughout Central Arkansas joined together for the first-ever Girls Leadership Academy at Mount in Little Rock April 27.

Russellville attorney worked to stop election fraud

Alex G. Streett, a Russellville attorney for more than 50 years and member of St. John Church, died April 25. He was 80. (Obltuaries)

Church now allows official Medjugorje pilgrimages

VATICAN CITY — Parishes and dioceses are now allowed to organize official pilgrimages to Medjugorje, Bosnia-Herzegovina, but it must be clear that the Catholic Church has not recognized as authentic the alleged Marian apparitions there.

Catholic radio, podcasts a way to gain spiritual growth on the go

I can’t remember when I started listening to CatholicRadio, but it has been several years now. Every weekday morning I tune into the “Son Rise Morning Show” via my iCatholicRadio app and listen to live broadcasting while I am getting ready for work. (Understanding our Church, Seeds of Faith)

What charitable work are you called to?

“I am called to volunteering my time at the veterans hospital in North Little Rock. I first volunteered to serve meals during my freshman year. Having no idea what to expect, I was worried it might be awkward. It turned out to be …” (Youthspeak, Seeds of Faith)

How can parish have a disability ministry?

“Prayer, listening, a heart for advocacy and not being afraid of pushing doors open when they seem to be closed.” (Columns)

Encounter the truth and you will encounter Jesus Christ

In John 14:6, Christ tells us that he is the Way, the Truth and the Life. Elsewhere in that Gospel, specifically in John 8:32, Christ tells us that “the Truth will make you free.” When Christ talks about the Truth, he is not talking about a Platonic ideal, a philosophical abstraction. He is talking about himself. (Columns)

Most U.S. prisons guilty of torture

Imagine living in a 6-foot-by-9-foot windowless box and imagine being in there not just for hours but for months or years. New reports and proposed laws are inviting us to relook at what we think is a standard way of treating inmates: solitary confinement.  (Editorial)

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