Here are some of the stories you missed if you didn't read Arkansas Catholic's May 4 issue. Some of the stories and columns in Arkansas Catholic appear only in the print and complete digital editions. To read what you're missing, subscribe today.
Bishop Taylor to ordain two priests, two deacons in May
The Diocese of Little Rock will host four ordinations in May. Bishop Anthony B. Taylor will be the celebrant.
Parish outing
The Primetimers from Christ the King Church in Little Rock took a trip to the Jockey Club at Oaklawn in Hot Springs March 28. (Photo)
John B. Dal Santo, 99, a member of St. Francis of Assisi Church in Little Italy, died March 30. He is survived by …
Butterfly Release
St. John School in Hot Springs celebrated Earth Day with their annual butterfly release. (Photo)
Is confession required before Communion?
Q. Could a person go to daily Mass and receive Communion without having gone to confession in four years? (Question Corner, Seeds of Faith)
Priest-mentor kept ministry to his people at the forefront
Hopefully all of us could name people in the past or present who had an impact on our personal, professional and/or spiritual lives. In some cases we appreciate the efforts of our mentors while they are influencing us in a positive way, and sometimes it takes years before we appreciate the impact their words and/or actions had on us. (Columns)
Vicious assault on Christianity around globe
There is a stirring image that has been circulating around the internet this week after the horrific attacks in Sri Lanka on Easter Sunday by Islamic militants against Christians and Western interests. It is a picture of a statue of the Risen Christ, taken in a Catholic Church that was a site of an attack. The statue of the Resurrected Lord Jesus is covered in blood, the blood of Christians killed in a terrorist attack. (Guest Commentary)
Court decision could be another blow to state
All eyes should be on the federal trial in Little Rock over the controversial drug midazolam and its use in executions in our state. The drug is behind botched executions and lawsuits all over the country. (Editorial)