Here are some of the stories you missed if you didn't read Arkansas Catholic's March 16 issue. Some of the stories and columns in Arkansas Catholic appear only in the print and complete digital editions. To read what you're missing, subscribe today.
Louisiana bishop looking forward to serving in Memphis
MEMPHIS, Tenn. — Bishop David P. Talley, named by Pope Francis March 5 to be the next bishop of Memphis, said that being at a news conference on the day of his appointment marked his fifth visit to Memphis.
Treats before Lent
Students at Our Lady of the Holy Souls School in Little Rock are excited at the prospect of candy thrown during the school’s Mardi Gras parade March 5. (Photo)
Four CRS staffers, humanitarian workers die in Ethiopian jet crash
WASHINGTON — Four Catholic Relief Service staff members on their way to a training session in Nairobi, Kenya, were among the passengers aboard an Ethiopian Airlines flight that crashed moments after takeoff in the east African nation.
Hunger and disruptions: Church working to help Venezuelans
LIMA, Peru — Catholic Church leaders in Venezuela say a peaceful transfer of power from embattled President Nicolas Maduro to a transitional government, probably led by National Assembly president Juan Guaido, is the best hope for the crisis-wracked country.
Scoring big
The St. Joseph Middle School sixth-grade Boys Pee Wee basketball team won the District Tournament at Hector. The Bulldogs of Conway beat the host Hector Wildcats in overtime by a score of 15 to 12. (Sports briefs)
Cultural diversity enriches our faith life, opens our hearts to love
Ever been the only one of your race at a gathering of people? Or the only one who did not speak or understand the language being spoken around you? Or ever attend a religious or worship service different than your traditional way of worshiping? (Understanding our Church, Seeds of Faith)
Who inspires you spiritually?
“My spiritual inspiration comes from my grandparents, Janet and Vito. They tell me to move on with struggles in my life. They are both deeply faithful and love …” (Youthspeak, Seeds of Faith)
Our U.S. Congress is OK with intentionally killing a child
Catholic philosopher Peter Kreeft once found himself arguing with an abortion supporter, and said to her: “Give me one argument that defends abortion that doesn’t also defend infanticide.” (Columns)
Vatican diplomacy will be productive
In a country where more than 70 percent of its residents are Catholic, we believe Pope Francis will be useful in securing a peaceful resolution in Venezuela. (Editorial)