Adult game night in Scranton

Not-So Newlywed Game contestants
Not-So Newlywed Game contestants

A priest faces a unique challenge when he is the pastor of three different parishes. Among them is how to unite the parishes to communicate and work closely as one, while still respecting the identity of the individual churches. The parishes of St. Ignatius in Scranton, Sts. Peter and Paul in Morrison Bluff and St. Meinrad in Prairie View joined together Feb. 22 at St. Ignatius Hall to enjoy an evening of grownup fellowship and games at the first-ever Three-Parish Adult Game Night. 
The evening kicked off with a round of ‘The Not So Newlywed Game’ with 10 couples vying for the bragging rights plus a gift certificate to a local restaurant. The couples playing have been married anywhere from 15 to 57 years and the couples were selected from each parish. The audience of almost 70 people enjoyed the hilarity and honesty of the answers given. Various games such as spoons, pitch and cornhole were then played to the enjoyment of all. Parishioners brought potluck finger food and childcare was provided by the Scranton youth group. The three parishes are now planning a Family Fun Day in May and another Adult Game Night in September with a “Let’s Make a Deal” theme. 

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