Here are some of the stories you missed if you didn't read Arkansas Catholic's March 2 issue. Some of the stories and columns in Arkansas Catholic appear only in the print and complete digital editions. To read what you're missing, subscribe today.
‘Clear signal’ seen in decision on McCarrick
WASHINGTON (CNS) — The Vatican’s removal from the priesthood of Theodore E. McCarrick “is a clear signal that abuse will not be tolerated,” said the president of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops Feb. 16.
U.S. cardinal: Any loopholes ‘must be closed’
VATICAN CITY — The Vatican summit on child protection and the clerical sexual abuse crisis affirmed the U.S. bishops’ strong belief that bishops and cardinals who abuse children or cover up abuse must be held accountable, said Cardinal Daniel N. DiNardo of Galveston-Houston.
Robots and AI the newest pro-life challenges
VATICAN CITY — Even though today’s modern tools and technologies are hardly human, the Pontifical Academy for Life is zeroing in on the world of robots and machines powered by artificial intelligence.
Microsoft head discusses ethics in technology with pope
VATICAN CITY — The president of Microsoft, Brad Smith, told Pope Francis that a “human voice” was needed to speak up in the world of technology today.
Wright’s book invites a fresh look at St. Paul
The Church understands the Bible to be God’s words in human words. Rev. N.T. Wright, a leading Scripture scholar and Anglican bishop, arguably uses this principle as the interpretive key to approach St. Paul in his masterful new book, “Paul: A Biography.” (Book review)
New book claims homosexuality, hypocrisy are rampant in the Vatican
VATICAN CITY — A new book accused the Vatican of hypocrisy, claiming that the majority of prelates working within its walls live active homosexual lifestyles.
‘Any way the wind blows’: Reaching young people needs to be priority
Father Matt Garrison tells a story of a rainy night in Florence, Italy. The last train of the night was canceled, and he had no place to go. (Understanding our Church, Seeds of Faith)
How will you grow spiritually this Lent?
“Every Lent I normally give up a food but I don’t think that giving up a food for 40 days is going to bring me closer to God. I think I should give up a bad habit, something that …” (Youthspeak, Seeds of Faith)
Where is the Spirit leading us in this darkness?
In the midst of the current crisis in our Church — with a once-admired cardinal accused of heinous acts, bishops widely judged incapable of policing themselves, investigators poring through Church archives and ordinary Catholics in fits of anger and despair — Cardinal Daniel N. DiNardo of Galveston-Houston, president of the U.S. bishops’ conference, asked a very brave question recently. Where might the Holy Spirit be leading us? What possible good could the Spirit bring forth from all this darkness and despair? (Columns)
A serious concern for Catholics in public life
Recent efforts to perpetuate and expand abortion in state laws have illuminated the deplorable actions of some Catholic public officials and advocates. Their efforts to support and even celebrate such legislation will result in killing many more unborn children, as well as the spiritual and emotional wounding of their mothers and fathers. (Guest commentary)
Going against the tide for Lent
Let Lent be a time to slow down, breathe and take a more personal approach. For you maybe it means putting down your smartphone more and starting up more meaningful conversations with your family, coworkers and friends. (Editorial)