Here are some of the stories you missed if you didn't read Arkansas Catholic's Feb. 16 issue. Some of the stories and columns in Arkansas Catholic appear only in the print and complete digital editions. To read what you're missing, subscribe today.
Does God want religious diversity? Text raises questions
VATICAN CITY — That many religions exist in the world is a fact, but what that plurality communicates to believers about God is a question that theologians are still discussing.
Archbishop urges Senate to OK bill to protect babies who survive abortion
WASHINGTON — It is “unconscionable” that the U.S. Senate failed to “unanimously declare to the nation that infanticide is objectively wrong,” said the chairman of the U.S. bishops’ Committee on Pro-Life Activities.
St. Paul VI feast day added to universal Church calendar
VATICAN CITY — Having considered the holiness of St. Paul VI and the influence of his ministry for the Church worldwide, Pope Francis has approved putting the saint on the Church’s universal calendar of feast days as an optional — not obligatory — memorial.
CRS again forced to cut work in Gaza
JERUSALEM — Catholic Relief Services cut its services to needy people in the Gaza Strip by closing a U.S. government-funded program because of the Anti-Terrorism Clarification Act.
Self-reliant seminarians learn to cook up creative cuisine
ST. MEINRAD, Ind. — Familiar sounds of sizzling meat and clanging cutlery associated with food preparation offered a different kind of doctrine than one might expect in a third-floor classroom at St. Meinrad Seminary and School of Theology.
Judge allows survey of Church land for wall
WASHINGTON — A judge in Texas ruled Feb. 6 that the Diocese of Brownsville, Texas, must allow federal officials to survey some of its property for possible construction of a border wall on it.
How do you serve your parish?
“I serve my parish by altar serving during Mass. I usually (hold) a candle or a book, but my dad taught me to (hold) a cross in case I need to. I like altar serving because …” (Youthspeak, Seeds of Faith)
Open hearts inspire us to say ‘I want some of that — what Jesus is doing’
“I want some of that — what Jesus is doing.” My young son tugged at my elbow, pointing to our pastor who stood at the front of the church, praying with each person who came forward for the sacrament, anointing their heads and hands with the oil of the sick. (Columns)
‘He who tweets before knowing’
The Book of Proverbs tells us: “He who answers before listening — that is his folly and his shame.” (18:3) (Guest commentary)
Abuse of sisters is part of crisis
The many layers of the sexual abuse crisis in the Church are continuing to reveal themselves. (Editorial)