
Schools will pray and play to observe special week

Sponsored by the National Catholic Education Association, Catholic Schools Week, set for Jan. 27 to Feb. 2, is an annual celebration of Catholic education in the United States.

Schools typically observe the week with Masses, open houses and other activities for students, families, parishioners and community members. This year’s theme is Catholic Schools: Learn. Serve. Lead. Succeed.



Our Lady of Fatima

Our Lady of Fatima in Benton will begin the week Saturday, Jan. 26 with a cookout in the parish hall. Student projects will be on display. On Monday students will be offering their holy hour and rosary for their sister Catholic schools. On Tuesday a family Mass will be held with the students. On Wednesday students are hosting a “food shower” to collect food, clothing and assistance for families in need. During a “buddy lunch” on Thursday students are invited to bring board games to share and play. The week will conclude with Reading Day where students can bring sleeping bags, wear comfy clothes and participate in various reading and literacy activities.



St. Joseph

At some Masses on Sunday the school band will present the music and a school open house will be held. On Monday a high school career fair will be held. To pray for vocations, the school will hold a living rosary following Mass Wednesday. Grandparents can attend lunch on Thursday. A K-12 pep rally will be held Friday.


Hot Springs

St. John

The students will be lectors at Mass and speak about the school. Many fun activities are planned during the week, including a family and friends luncheon Jan. 29 and the annual talent show Feb. 1.


Little Rock

Our Lady of the Holy Souls

Holy Souls School will celebrate with a guest speaker, a living rosary and pizza. Friday is a special day as the school celebrates with friends and family during the day and a student talent show in the evening. Nineteen students are set to perform everything from dance to a cappella.



Sacred Heart

On Sunday students will lead all ministries at 10:30 a.m. Mass. Sacred Heart Alumnus of the Year Djuana Beck will speak. On Monday a Living Rosary will be held for all K-12 students. On Tuesday student will participate in mini courses on and off campus led by parent volunteers and local business leaders. On Wednesday Catholic Trivia will be held for students to test their Catholic knowledge. The week will conclude with a service project.


North Little Rock

Immaculate Conception

The PTO will kick off Catholic Schools Week with a Pancake Breakfast Jan. 27 from 8 to 11 a.m. A student-led Mass will be celebrated with the parish community. Students will pray a rosary for the parish, make appreciation cards for priests, deacons, sponsors and special volunteers as well as make cards to distribute to other Catholic schools in the area. On Tuesday, the eighth-grade boys and the school faculty will meet center court for the Fifth Annual Student-Faculty Volleyball Game with eighth-grade girls coaching and refereeing.  



St. Mary

Catholic Schools Week begins with a weeklong book fair. Parents from a different grade each day are invited for lunch. On Thursday grandparents are invited to lunch. Third- through sixth-grade students will compete in an essay contest “What I love best about attending a Catholic school.” Mass on Saturday night will conclude the week with students serving as lectors, servers, ushers and choir. On Friday parents will help with Nacho Buffet lunch fundraiser.



Subiaco Academy

The week will begin with confirmation at St. Benedict Church Jan. 27. On Tuesday the school will make a four-mile pilgrimage to Petit Jean State Park. On Wednesday, there will be an ice cream social for the students and a teacher appreciation luncheon. Also the Patrick Recob Blues Band of Kansas City will be featured at Annual Blues at the Abbey. It will be held in Centenary Hall at 7:30 p.m. Jan. 30. It is free to public. A shadow day for prospective students will be held Feb. 1.

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