Here are some of the stories you missed if you didn't read Arkansas Catholic's Jan. 12 issue. Some of the stories and columns in Arkansas Catholic appear only in the print and complete digital editions. To read what you're missing, subscribe today.
U.S. bishops pray for guidance
WASHINGTON — The U.S. Catholic bishops attended a closed-door retreat Jan. 2-8 at Mundelein Seminary at the University of St. Mary of the Lake near Chicago to prayerfully consider ways to rebuild trust over the clergy sex abuse crisis.
Pope: Bishops must not play victim
VATICAN CITY — The clerical abuse crisis and the “crisis of credibility” it created for the U.S. bishops have led to serious divisions within the U.S. Church and to a temptation to look for administrative solutions to problems that go much deeper, Pope Francis told the U.S. bishops.
Vatican: Hysterectomy can be morally licit in some cases
VATICAN CITY — The Catholic Church teaches that sterilization is morally unacceptable, but a hysterectomy could be morally acceptable if the uterus could not sustain a pregnancy, said the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith.
Teachings of Islam, like Catholicism, are often misunderstood
In our divided world, too many of the divisions are over religion, and very often not those caused by real differences of religious perspective and faith but by mistakes about the religion of the other. (Understanding our Church, Seeds of Faith)
How do you live your faith?
“Praying is one way I live my faith. I give thanks to God or ask for his help when I need it. I thank him for all he gives me, for despite my unworthiness, I have all I need. I also ask for his guidance when …” (Youthspeak, Seeds of Faith)
Find 10 pockets of prayer time throughout day
January dawns, fresh and clean. The beginning of a new year. Although Advent is technically our new year in the Church, January offers another jump-start — a chance to change and a renewed resolve to eat better, exercise more or waste less time online. (Columns)
What the Church must be in this new year
Even in a divided Church, one can find a high degree of unified support for the idea that 2019 shouldn’t be a year of “business as usual” for the Catholic Church. In fact, most would probably say that this isn’t even an option. The revelations related to clergy sexual abuse that resurged in 2018 — and that are very likely to continue for the foreseeable future — point to the need for deep cultural renewal in the Church. (Guest Commentary)