Arkansas Catholic collected 2,300 new and like-new books donated to its first children’s book drive.
Staff and volunteers handed out 500 books Dec. 15 during the 14th annual Christmas Caravan at the Clinton Presidential Center parking lot for homeless and low-income families. The event is co-sponsored by Immaculate Conception Church in North Little Rock with involvement from other churches including Holy Trinity Church in England, Sts. Cyril and Methodius Church in Slovak and St. Rose Church in Carlisle.
From Dec. 17-19, volunteers at Helping Hand of Greater Little Rock handed out 650 books to families served during their toy giveaway. About 200 books also were given to three parishes for families they serve: St. Joseph Church, Fayetteville; Assumption Church, Booneville; and Sacred Heart Church, Charleston.
The remaining books will be distributed to Catholic Charities of Arkansas and Our House homeless shelter in Little Rock. The newspaper also got hundreds of books in used condition that it will pass along to other charities in 2019.