Here are some of the stories you missed if you didn't read Arkansas Catholic's Nov. 10 issue. Some of the stories and columns in Arkansas Catholic appear only in the print and complete digital editions. To read what you're missing, subscribe today.
Pope: Christians must help end anti-Semitism
VATICAN CITY — Sharing the same roots as their Jewish brothers and sisters, Christians cannot be anti-Semitic and must work to ensure anti-Semitism is banned from society, Pope Francis said.
Synagogue shooting reveals old, buried hatreds
WASHINGTON — In some quarters, people thought anti-Semitism had been swept under the rug. But hiding it didn’t mean getting rid of it, as was painfully evident in the murder of 11 congregants at a Pittsburgh synagogue Oct. 27.
Blessing the graves
Father Polycarp Ssebbowa, pastor of St. James Church in Searcy and St. Richard Church in Bald Knob, presides at the annual All Souls Day ceremony at St. Paul Cemetery west of Searcy Nov. 2. (Photo)
Can I find a new godparent for my adopted kids?
Q. In 1995, I was godmother at the baptism of my brother’s daughter. A few years later I adopted her. Then I served as godmother for my sister’s daughter and eventually adopted her. She is making her first Communion this month. I took my … (Question Corner, Seeds of Faith)
Seek holiness, humility on the road to conversion and healing for our Church
I recently attended the Catholic Leadership Conference — or, as I like to call it, “the best three days of the year.” (Columns)
People of faith should show unity
In the wake of the worst of times for Pittsburgh, some of the most profound actions have taken place. (Editorial)