Judges, lawyers, public servants gather for annual Red Mass

Bishop Anthony B. Taylor emphasized to the judges, lawyers, politicians and other public servants present for the 24th annual Red Mass at the Cathedral of St. Andrew in Little Rock “the importance of our coming humbly before our all-powerful, all-knowing Lord today to ask him to fill us with the strength of the Holy Spirit necessary to fulfill our duties with courage and the wisdom of the Holy Spirit we need to use good judgment in all that we do.”

The Oct. 5 Red Mass, sponsored by the St. Thomas More Society, is meant to ask for the Holy Spirit’s guidance for those in law and public service careers. Bishop Taylor was the celebrant, along with concelebrants Father Greg Luyet, judicial vicar and chaplain for the society, and Father Jack Vu, rector of the Cathedral. Deacon Bud Bryant, a lawyer, also served. At the end of Mass, Bishop Taylor blessed St. Thomas More lapel pins, designed by local liturgical artist George Hoelzeman, which were revealed last year.

Each year, the society hosts a luncheon following the Mass, which honors a member with the St. Thomas More Award. Frank B. Sewall, an attorney for Blue Cross & Blue Shield of Arkansas, was this year’s honoree.

There are currently 300 members and about 50 are active participants in the society. 

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