Here are some of the stories you missed if you didn't read Arkansas Catholic's Oct. 13 issue. Some of the stories and columns in Arkansas Catholic appear only in the print and complete digital editions. To read what you're missing, subscribe today.
St. Michael the Archangel Prayer sees resurgence in crisis
WASHINGTON — In response to the Church abuse crisis, many parishes around the country have been bringing out the big guns in a spiritual sense — calling on St. Michael the Archangel to help the Church.
Pinwheels for peace
Students at Our Lady of the Holy Souls School in Little Rock Benny Blomeley (left), Christopher Wilkerson and Curan Zachritz, all 9 years old, put pinwheels in the ground so the wind can spread peace on Peace Day, Sept. 21. (Photo)
Welcome back
Christ the King Church in Fort Smith hosted a Mass and reception Sept. 9 to honor former parishioner Father Reginald Udouj, who was ordained a Benedictine priest in July. (Photo)
Vatican vows to pursue truth of McCarrick case no matter what
VATICAN CITY — Promising a thorough review of how the Vatican handled allegations of sexual misconduct by former Cardinal Theodore E. McCarrick, the Vatican acknowledged that what happened may fall short of the procedures that are in place today.
Cardinal Ouellet responds to Archbishop Vigano’s statements on McCarrick
VATICAN CITY — Former Cardinal Theodore E. McCarrick of Washington had been told by Vatican officials to withdraw from public life because of rumors about his sexual misconduct, said Cardinal Marc Ouellet, prefect of the Congregation for Bishops.
Pope: Pray rosary to stop devil
VATICAN CITY — Signaling his belief that the Catholic Church is facing a serious crisis, Pope Francis asked every Catholic in the world to pray for the protection of the Church from attacks by the devil, but also that the Church would be more aware of its sins and stronger in its efforts to combat abuse.
Pakistani court decides fate of condemned Catholic
CHESTER, England — A court in Pakistan has reached a decision on whether a Catholic woman will become the first person to hang to death under the country’s controversial blasphemy laws.
Bury an unbaptized person in Catholic cemetery?
Q. My son passed away recently at the age of 35. We held a memorial service for him since we could not have a funeral Mass. He was not baptized as an infant — which was my decision, of course, not his. (Question Corner, Seeds of Faith)
In a throwaway culture, pursue less so you can live more
Haley Stewart stared at the publish button and froze. (Columns)
Where are our Church’s saintly reformers?
Most people will never have the jarring experience of divine intervention that Francis of Assisi had when the figure of Jesus on the San Damiano cross called out to him, “Francis, rebuild my church, which has fallen into ruin.” Likewise, most people won’t set about founding an order of friars with a charism of radical Gospel poverty that becomes one of the most prominent religious orders of the universal Church. (Guest Commentary)
U.N. report on climate is a moral, faith issue
We often talk about caring for the environment as something we need to do for our children or grandchildren. But a new report from the United Nations is showing us that we need to make immediate changes — for ourselves. (Editorial)