Gabriel Torres’ two passions in the Church — music and the Catholic Charismatic movement — intersected when he was learning to play the guitar. Torres, 30, has been a member of St. Joseph Church in Fayetteville and active in the charismatic movement for the past 10 years. In that time, he’s served as a musician and leader of a youth choir.
“I just pretty much taught myself (guitar), watching videos, through books, pretty much by myself,” Torres said through an interpreter. “I took a couple classes in Siloam Springs where I and a couple of other guys decided to learn how to play guitar and start a choir for the charismatic group here at St. Joe’s.”
Over that 10 years, Torres said the numbers have fluctuated until the past few years when participation began to climb steadily, both in the charismatic congregation and in his music ministry.
“The choir only started with two guitars, one bass and a couple of voices,” Torres said. “Now it’s really grown.”
Many people of all ages attend the parish charismatic services out of curiosity, and Torres sees his ministry as helping to be a disciple to them.
“The desire in me is to serve God and serve Jesus Christ,” he said. “From what I have learned at retreats and been taught, the Word of God even says you have to be a disciple. That’s the main reason you come into this world, to come to God and convert everyone to Christianity.”