Claire Hollenbeck’s leadership skills became evident at Trinity Junior High School where she received the Benedictine Leadership Award in 2015 and at Northside High School where she was student council vice president.
The 18-year-old is a freshman at University of Arkansas – Fort Smith and the oldest child of Sebastian County Sheriff Bill Hollenbeck and Trinity Junior principal Dr. Karen Hollenbeck. Her parents are strong role models as community leaders.
She has shown leadership as a core team member at Immaculate Conception Church’s Life Teen program and on the diocesan level, serving on the Youth Advisory Council and as a team member at Search.
In her home parish, St. Boniface Church, Hollenbeck has been a lawn social volunteer, children’s Liturgy of the Word instructor, Vacation Bible School group leader and sack lunch volunteer.
She said she hopes to use her leadership and communication skills as well as her strong Catholic pro-life values from conception to natural death, to be a strong voice for life for many years to come.
Hollenbeck received a chancellor’s scholarship to UAFS where she is majoring in marketing. “Deciding to go to UAFS was a challenging decision because we didn’t have a large campus ministry,” she said. “…When I learned that Naomi Lee would be the new campus minister, I knew that our campus ministry would have good leadership. We are looking forward to a great year.”