Faithful news matters — read Arkansas Catholic

Here are some of the stories you missed if you didn't read Arkansas Catholic's Aug. 18 issue. Some of the stories and columns in Arkansas Catholic appear only in the print and complete digital editions. To read what you're missing, subscribe today.


Two modern-day teens on path to sainthood

VATICAN CITY — Pope Francis issued decrees advancing the sainthood causes of four candidates, including two young teenagers who heroically lived the Christian virtues.

Moving forward together

High school social studies teacher Kyle Zinno (left) was able to pass Amy Rehm’s collapsing vessel to win a cardboard boat race Aug. 10 at the Knights of Columbus pool in Conway. (Photo)


Italo Forte, 87, a member of St. Edward Church in Texarkana, died July 11. He is survived by …

Comparing attempts to legalize abortion in Ireland, Argentina

NEW YORK — Early in the morning of Aug. 9, Argentina’s Senate soundly defeated a measure to legalize abortion through 14 weeks of pregnancy. (Their current law permits abortion in cases of sexual violence and to protect the mother’s health.)

Virginia bishops pray for peace for anniversary

ARLINGTON, Va. (CNS) — Two bishops in the state of Virginia asked Catholics and others to offer prayers for peace on the first anniversary of a deadly rally in Charlottesville.

Vatican pushing for drug availability for kids with HIV

AMSTERDAM — An initiative to identify and properly treat children living with HIV has gained new momentum as international organizations and pharmaceutical companies respond to a Vatican push to look past profit to doing the right thing.

Majority of religious superiors support the idea of women deacons

WASHINGTON (CNS) — A new study by the Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate at Georgetown University surveyed men and women religious superiors in the United States about the possibility of ordaining women to the diaconate and found that the majority were in favor of the idea.

Beautifying the city

St. Joseph School recently became a part of the “Adopt-A-Street” program in Fayetteville. (Catholic Schools Herald photo)

Mary is not only the mother of God, but the Ark of the New Covenant

In June, Little Rock Scripture Study Program sponsored its 28th Summer Bible Institute. Brother John Barker, OFM, spent the weekend leading us in an exploration of the Old Testament as a treasury of God’s love for us. He is the God of Promise, Fidelity, Power, Wisdom and Mercy. (Understanding our Church, Seeds of Faith)

What is your favorite personal religious item?

“My favorite personal religious item is my rose pendant. My rose pendant is silver, and it is in the shape of a rose. Inside the locket, is a picture of St. Rose. St. Rose is my confirmation saint. It is my favorite because …” (Youthspeak, Seeds of Faith)

Summer brings an ending that teaches new beginnings to my family

Summer. It always seems rife with the possibility of respite. But, like any day of the year, life happens; summer or not. (Columns)

State needs to take steps to school choice

As children head back to school this week, there is some positive news in being able to attract more students to Catholic schools and retain the students we already serve. (Editorial)

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