No matter what others say, or even what you think about yourself — God tells us this about just who you are. " You are My Child — I Am your Father who provides and cares for you forever.
You are my Bride: the Church who I will never forsake and will return to be with one day.
You are my sheep: always found when you get lost! Hear My Voice and follow. Seek My Mercy and Forgiveness should you ever stray out of sight of this Shepherd.
You are My Temple: Be undefiled, cleansed so I can dwell in you.
You are My Garden: cared for, watered and weeded — nurture the seeds sewn that must grow to fullness in your life.
You are the branches: cling to this Vine so you may be fruitful, you will be kept pruned for I love you and do not wish to see you wither and die.
You are My Body: never to be separated from Me. You are gifted and used when you surrender to My Holy Spirit.
You are Blessed: when you hear the Word of God and obey.
You are My Chosen One: My Words will be put into your mouth, My love into your heart that others may see, hear and believe.
You are an Earthen Vessel — You are afflicted in every way, but not constrained; perplexed, but not driven to despair; persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed; always carrying about in your body the dying of Jesus, so that the life of Jesus may also be manifested in your body. (2 Corinthians 4)
You are carefully made, perfectly designed that the Will of the Father may be carried out through you when you say YES to my plan for your life. Child, you are Mine.