I loved the reading this morning from Isaiah 58! So full of God’s promises to us if we hear and obey these words from him. I got so excited listening to the word read this morning at Mass I was prompted to come and home and write and proclaim to all of the world — this word impressed into my heart from God.
Today all over the world an estimated 350,000 Masses are said, celebrating what Jesus told us to do in remembrance of him. We celebrate his coming into this world, his life and remember the great sacrifice of his passion and death. We also celebrate his presence in our lives every moment of every day and unite ourselves with him in the holy Eucharist of the Mass, receiving his precious body and blood.
Daily we hear the word of God at the beginning of Mass. These readings can be found a twww.usccb.org/bible/readings if you would like to have them sent to your email box daily. In more 350,000 Catholic churches daily the word of God is read, is proclaimed and hopefully touching the lives of all who hear and allow God’s Word to be planted into their lives. In sharing this information with you my dear brothers and sisters of all faiths, I hope and pray that you see the Catholic Church as a Church who truly has its foundation on the Rock of God’s teachings and the Bible.
Please do not see the Catholic Church as ‘statue worshipers, or the whore of Babylon as some have taught. We honor Mary the mother of Jesus and all those other people of God, the saints. They have chosen to say yes to the call of God and gave their lives to serve him, even to die for him. Just as we honor our heroes today in our lives who have given all for God and country, we honor them and ask for their prayers. We see their examples and are inspired and encouraged to keep on walking, following Jesus as they did"
I encourage all of my Catholic brothers and sisters to share this message so that a deep understanding and love for all of God’s people can be promoted. There should be no dissension, no judgment or condemnation against any church who proclaims that Jesus is God and teach that he came to live and die for us, that we may live in God forever.