Lighting their way

Warmest thanks to these generous Guardian Angels who have joined and given during the fall 2017 campaign to engage new generations. Gifts as of December 15, 2017, total $4,647, which is 31 percent of our goal for the campaign.

Anyone can join the Guardian Angels any time of year, to support Arkansas Catholic’s mission to give voice to Christ and his Church in the Diocese of Little Rock. Join and give online at

Evangelists (patrons) 
Carole and Bill Canino

Archangels (partners)
Mr. John A. Thompson
Mr. & Mrs. S.P. Schwartz
Mr. Frank Benda
Mr. & Mrs. Ray Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Winter
Bennye H. Clemmons
Paul S. Osborn
In memory of John & Wilma Baltz
Benedictine Sisters of Fort Smith
Mr. Frank Benda
Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Oleson
Mr. & Mrs. David J. Witchger
Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Hildebrand
In memory of Semasek Family
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Stephens
In memory of John & Emma Fein and Family
Mr. Kenneth W. Eckert Sr.
One anonymous donor

Angels (supporters)
Rev. Joseph Pallo
Howard E. Hardin
Mr. & Mrs. Fred Crimarco
Mr. & Mrs. Warren A. Walters
Ms. Virginia A. Coogan
Mrs. Beth Brooks
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Nabholz
Mr. & Mrs. Howard M. Hardin
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond C. Ortega Jr.
Ms. Barbara Menz Bryan
Israel Alvarez
Mr. & Mrs. Tim Orellano
Gail Walker
Bray Sheet Metal
Connie Chudy
Richard Michael Bushkuhl
Acme Pest Management
Msgr. David LeSieur
In memory of Jimmy Phillips
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Wolthuis
Sue & Jarrell Wrape
Patsy Papan
Charles Nabholz
Edward R. Bawiec
John & Dorothy Gilliam Jr.
Douglas & Carol Clark
Mr. Mark J. Simon
Mrs. Mary Dyer
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Kirchner Jr.
Ms. Suzanne E. Jessup
Mrs. Ann Franklin
Mr. & Mrs. Noel E. Oman
Mr. & Mrs. Donald E. Fitz
Ms. Rachel M. Taylor
Ms. Marie Bush
Mr. & Mrs. Tim Smith
Dr. & Mrs. Robert Debin
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Taylor
Mr. & Mrs. Howard Hardin
Mrs. Joanne DeJanovich
Mr. & Mrs. D. Patrick Gallaher
Mrs. Patricia Cooke
Dc. & Mrs. Robert L. Morris
Mr. Larry Stein
One anonymous donor

Other friends
Mr. & Mrs. John F. Breen III
John & Misty Baker
Mr. & Mrs. Donald E. Fitz
Mrs. Mary Dyer
Mrs. Clara Gangluff
Mrs. Concetta Baker
Ms. Lisa Chamblee
Mr. & Mrs. Doug Lensing
Mr. & Mrs. Leo F. Connell
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Honzik
Mr. & Mrs. Richard D. Campbell
Mr. & Mrs. John Hertzog
Mr. & Mrs. Doug Clark
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Bawiec
Mr. & Mrs. James J. Kaminski
Mr. Joseph Knittig
Mr. & Mrs. John R. Gillam Jr.
Mr. Joseph R. Bergman
Dc. & Mrs. Robert L. Morris
Mr. & Mrs. James L. Koch
Mr. George Dobrovich
Mrs. Mary Frances F. Smith
Mrs. Elizabeth C. Dober
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy M. Garvey
Mr. and Mrs. James Fulks
Mr. Bart M. Scivally
Mr. and Mrs. Tim Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Saad
Mr. and Mrs. John Suskie Jr.
Ms. Rachel M. Taylor
Mr. & Mrs. Bernard VonHatten
One anonymous donor

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