Arkansas Catholic print, digital editions contain more news

Here are some of the stories you missed if you didn't read Arkansas Catholic's Nov. 11 issue. Some of the stories and columns in Arkansas Catholic appear only in the print and complete digital editions. To read what you're missing, subscribe today.


Book reveals it was nuns who found Pope John Paul I dead

VATICAN CITY — Two women may hold the key to clearing up questions still surrounding the death of Pope John Paul I and to overcoming the first hurdle on his path to canonization.

Is killing morally wrong if it is done in war?

Q. My husband was an officer in Vietnam, and he gave an order that probably killed several of the enemy. He says that, if he had to do it over, he would do it again in order to save his men. But he doesn’t expect to ever go to heaven. Is he right? (Question Corner, Seeds of Faith)

Don’t hesitate to speak out about harassment, discrimination in workplace

Many years ago, I was a young history teacher in a small Catholic school. It was, in most respects, a wonderful place, graced by a bevy of competent Ursuline sisters. (Columns)

#Metoo campaign sheds light on abuse

As the Catholic Church discovered 15 years ago, sometimes it takes just one case to blow the lid off a long-fermenting scandal. (Guest commentary)

U.S. needs to funnel aid to the persecuted

Life as a Christian in Iraq and Syria has gotten progressively worse over the past 15 years. Christians and other minorities in the Middle East will hopefully be getting more direct assistance from the United States. (Editorial)

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