Becoming president of the United States is a pipe dream for most. But keep this article, because Laredo Loyd plans to be in the Oval Office one day. For now, he’s running for Student Government Association president at his college.
“The position of presidency, with politics in general, you can get carried away in the mess of things, what everyone else is doing … it’s honestly just a race to the bottom as people lower expectations,” he said. “I think you can have a return to value-centered politics, a morally upright standing.”
Loyd, 20, attended St. Theresa School in Little Rock and graduated from Catholic High School in 2015. He attended St. Bartholomew Church in Little Rock where he still lectors when he’s home from Texas Christian University in Fort Worth. Loyd also plays guitar for Masses at St. Theresa when needed.
“It’s a time to relax, talk to God, compartmentalize everything, get my life in order for the rest of the week,” Loyd said of Mass.
This past year, he served as SGA chaplain, leading the invocation at meetings. He is pursuing a double major in political science and psychology with a minor in Spanish and hopes to attend law school.
“All it takes is just one person and if not me, maybe someone I can inspire,” Loyd said of pursing politics. “One person can be a catalyst for a whole new way of thinking. It can be like any one of the apostles going to a city. All it takes are his few words or actions and the course of history can change.”
• What is your most-used emoji?
“It’s the American flag. I send it after just about anything. I guess preparation for being president — I’ve got to get myself ready.”