Arkansas Catholic connects faithful to local, global news

Here are some of the stories you missed if you didn't read Arkansas Catholic's Jan. 28 issue. Some of the stories and columns in Arkansas Catholic appear only in the print and complete digital editions. To read what you're missing, subscribe today.


Life advocates determined to march, anyway

WASHINGTON — College senior Colleen McCrum stood with fellow pro-lifers in front of the steps of the U.S. Supreme Court early Jan. 21 holding a sign that said, “PROLIFE, PROWOMAN, PROTRUMP.”

New president speaks of days ahead for U.S.

WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump told the nation in his inaugural address that it need not fear in the days ahead.

Surprise at preschool

Preschool student Audrey Cox had an unexpected visitor for the Dads and Donuts get-together Jan. 20 at St. Joseph Preschool in Conway. (Photo)

Mid-East peace process stymied

TENT OF NATIONS, West Bank — Bishops from Europe and North America lauded this 100-year-old hilltop family farm southwest of Bethlehem as an example of the nonviolent resistance needed to oppose Israeli expansion onto Palestinian land.

Vatican most concerned about Christians in Holy Land

The Vatican has had consistent position on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict for 70 years.


Joseph Hoyt III, 91, a member of St. Joseph Church in Conway, died Jan. 11. He is survived by …

Report: Abortion rate in America drops to a 43-year low

WASHINGTON — The U.S. abortion rate is down to its lowest level since the Supreme Court made abortion legal virtually on demand in 1973, and the rate is half of its early-1980s peak.

Young Scientists

Rebecca McDaniel’s science classes at St. John School in Hot Springs recently had the opportunity to dissect pig hearts. (Photo)

Did You Know?

The first March for Life in Washington, D.C. was held on Jan. 22, 1974. The intent was to have one rally to stand up for the unborn in response to the Supreme Court decision of Roe v. Wade in 1973 that legalized abortion. (Seeds of Faith)

As an ‘intentional pilgrim,’ Europe trip more meaningful

“My travels and my rest you mark: with all my ways you are familiar.” (Psalm 139:3) Currently, the deacon class from St. Meinrad Seminary is in Rome. We have traveled to London, Paris and Rome, spending a week in each city. (Columns)

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