Here are some of the stories you missed if you didn't read Arkansas Catholic's Nov. 19 issue. Some of the stories and columns in Arkansas Catholic appear only in the print and complete digital editions. To read what you're missing, subscribe today.
Diocese investigates Father Pavone for having fetus at altar
WASHINGTON — The Diocese of Amarillo, Texas, said in a statement it is investigating the incident of a pro-life priest who placed “the body of an aborted fetus” on an altar and broadcast it on Facebook Live to get people to vote for Republican Donald J. Trump, causing “the desecration of the altar.”
Remembering all souls
Mary and Jerry Hiegel watch Deacon Jerry Harrison bless the grave of her parents during the All Souls Day commemoration Nov. 6 in Conway. (Photo)
Four cardinals ask pope to clarify Communion after remarriage
VATICAN CITY — Four cardinals said they formally asked Pope Francis to clarify his teaching on Communion for the divorced and civilly remarried and, not receiving a response after two months, they released their letter to the press.
St. Barbara Day helps start Christmas season in some areas
AMMAN, Jordan — Although there are different versions of the story of St. Barbara, Christians in the Middle East and Central Europe still celebrate the early Christian martyr each Dec. 4.
Ordinary time gives the faithful a chance to ‘get to know’ Jesus
One of the countless treasures of our Catholic faith and tradition is the ordering of time and liturgical seasons. (Understanding our Church, Seeds of Faith)
What is your favorite holiday food and why?
“My favorite holiday food is fried rice because it reminds me of the warm, joyful sensation of eating with my family at home. Back home in …” (Youthspeak, Seeds of Faith)
Love and compassion is really what we need right now
We have all been witness in the past few months and weeks to rhetoric so divisive and mean spirited among our nation’s candidates that it gave us pause to wonder if any vestige of human kindness and consideration were important anymore. (Columns)
Solidarity isn’t just words; it’s actions too
You might have been confused to see some people wearing safety pins on their clothing. The movement/fad popped up in the U.S. last week as a sign of solidarity with those who have been discriminated against. Reports of violence were reported since the Nov. 8 election against blacks, Muslims and gay people. By wearing the pin it denotes to the public “you are safe with me.” (Editorial)