Religious jubilarians honored with Mass at Holy Souls

Bishop Anthony B. Taylor stands with three religious jubilarians who attended a day-long program Sept. 17 at Our Lady of the Holy Souls Church in Little Rock: Sister Teresa Kelone, RSM (left), 50 years; Sister Eileen Schneider, OSB, 60 years; and Sister Lucia Ellender, OCD, 25 years.

The jubilarians were each given a handmade wooden picture frame carved with their number of years in religious life and calligraphy from Subiaco Abbey.

After hearing from local Muslim leaders addressing “Islam in the Year of Mercy” in the parish hall, Bishop Taylor celebrated Mass. During his homily, the bishop told the jubilarians that even when their efforts to spread the faith or evangelize in a way that will produce lasting results fail, looking to the Lord and trusting in him is most important.

“Even though we miss the ball more often than we hit, so to speak, God can make our best efforts bear far more fruit for the Lord than we could ever produce on our own,” Bishop Taylor said.

Jubilarians who were honored but unable to attend were:

  • 70 years: Sister Elizabeth Rossi, OSB
  • 60 years: Sister Hilary Decker, OSB; Father Eugene Luke, OSB
  • 25 years: Sister Lisa Atkins, RSM


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