After attending Catholic schools in Dallas, Melissa Gramlich knew that if she pursued teaching after earning her master’s degree, it would be in a Catholic school. Despite the “are you crazy” looks from fellow student teachers, salary cannot top service to God. She has taught fifth grade at Christ the King School in Little Rock for three years, starting out in pre-K for a year.
“It’s about responding to that call, not looking at the numbers when it comes down to salary,” Gramlich, 27, said. “I really don’t have much to give, but I can give my time and try to give my talent.”
Gramlich said her students show great mercy and a desire to change the world, particularly when they address family life issues like abortion.
“There might not be anything you can do, but don’t underestimate the power of our prayers. A child’s prayer is so pure and beautiful,” she said.
At church, she serves on the adult advisory board, guiding high school students in CYM. What started as a desire to help youth, “ended up helping me tremendously in my faith … They make it look easy and how to really be a follower of Christ.”
“I wish that my generation would know many, many good things happen when you work on your relationship with God,” she said.
• What Scripture verse relates most to your life? Why?
“Jeremiah 29:11. I love that one; I have it everywhere in my house. (It reminds me) to really trust in God’s plan, which is really, really hard because sometimes I like my plan. When I just let go and try to see God’s plan, that one really speaks to me.”