Father Raymond Rossi
Father Raymond Rossi, who taught at Catholic High School for Boys for 20 years and served many parishes in Arkansas, died Aug. 14 from a long illness. He was 85.
Born April 30, 1931, in Center Ridge to Frank and Mary Rossi, he was one of seven children. He attended St. Joseph School in Center Ridge before entering St. John Seminary in Little Rock. Father Rossi was ordained May 15, 1958, at the Cathedral of St. Andrew.
After serving at St. Edward Church in Texarkana, he was assigned to Catholic High School for Boys, where he taught Latin and religion for 20 years, in between serving at St. Mary Church and St. Patrick Church in North Little Rock and Our Lady of Good Counsel Church in Little Rock.
He earned a master’s degree in classical languages from the University of Notre Dame during summer breaks, according to a 2008 Arkansas Catholic article.
Andy Rossi, his first cousin, had Father Rossi as a Latin and choir teacher in the 1960s. He recalled how the boys enjoyed playing pranks on him, but with the utmost adoration.
“They would do things to set him off because he had this Italian temperament that when you ignited it he would take his glasses off, (and yell) ‘Hey boys!’” Rossi laughed. “… He’s a legend out there.”
From 1979 until his retirement in 2002 he served at St. Elizabeth Church in Eureka Springs, St. Anne in Berryville, St. Peter the Fisherman in Mountain Home, St. Andrew Church in Yellville, St. John Church in Hot Springs and Sacred Heart of Jesus Church in Hot Springs. He retired in Hot Springs Village.
During his 50th jubilee celebration in 2008, Father Rossi told Arkansas Catholic, “I’ll never forget my ordination Mass. Surrounded by family and friends. My father was there and he was so happy and pleased. In my 50 years, I have said 19,800 Masses. Saying Mass is still the highlight of my day.”
He is survived by one brother, Marion Rossi of Center Ridge; and one sister, Gloria Rossi DeSalvo of Hot Springs.
A rosary service was Aug. 17 and a Mass of Christian Burial was Aug. 18 at St. Joseph Church in Center Ridge. Burial was at the church cemetery.