Here are some of the stories you missed if you didn't read Arkansas Catholic's Aug. 13 issue. Some of the stories and columns in Arkansas Catholic appear only in the print and complete digital editions. To read what you're missing, subscribe today.
Summer learning
St. Edward Church in Texarkana and Sacred Heart Church in Texarkana, Texas, in the Diocese of Tyler recently held Summer Celebration 2016, a joint adult speakers and Vacation Bible School program. (Photo)
Pope praises witness of Refugee Olympic Team
VATICAN CITY — In a personal message addressed to each of the 10 members of the new Refugee Olympic Team, Pope Francis wished them success in their events and thanked them for the witness they are giving the world.
Blessed fire
RIO DE JANEIRO — High above the city, beneath the statue of Christ the Redeemer, Rio Cardinal Orani Tempesta blessed the Olympic torch, held by Brazil’s former Olympic volleyball player, Maria Isabel Barroso Salgado.
Priest oversees center in Rio Olympic Village
SAO PAULO — For the 2016 Olympics in Rio de Janeiro, Father Leandro Lenin Tavares coordinates the interreligious center for athletes at the Olympic Village.
Helen Elder, 86, a member of St. Peter the Fisherman Church in Mountain Home, died July 22. She is survived by …
St. Therese still teaches love of neighbor with her ‘Little Way’
Recently, the story of Sister Cecilia Maria, a Carmelite who lived in Santa Fe, Argentina, spread through Catholic news sites and on social media. Sister Cecilia, only 42, lay dying of cancer in a hospital, yet she maintained a serene and joyful disposition. Many photos of her smiling face circulated the Internet, bringing with them a forceful image of her faith in her salvation and even her eagerness to meet her Lord. (Understanding our Church, Seeds of Faith)
What is something fun you like to do with your family?
“I like to do so much with my family but there is something that I really, really like to do. I like to go on …” (Youthspeak, Seeds of Faith)
Religious liberty applies to all Americans
Recently there was a case of a woman who petitioned the state of Illinois to be able to wear a colander on her head in her driver’s license photo as part of her religious beliefs. The woman was a “Pastafarian,” a member of the faux “Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster” invented out of the imagination of atheist activists. (Guest commentary)
Listen for these issues during election season
The election season has officially started. The Republicans and Democrats held their conventions to nominate their candidates: Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton. We are three months away from electing a new president. (Editorial)