St. Joseph High School graduation was held May 15 in the church in Conway. Pastor Father John Marconi was the speaker.

The co-valedictorians were Sarah Beth Briggler, Landon Bryan Bruich and Mary Rose Siebenmorgen.

The co-saluatorians were Brianna Ann Covington and Tia Marie Massa. Covington, daughter of George and Brandi Covington, will be attending the University of Central Arkansas. Marie Massa, daughter of Steve and Kendra Massa, will be attending the U.S. Air Force Academy.

Other graduates are:

Mollie Elizabeth Angel

Marguerite Jo Marie Bain  

Brittany Irene Barnello

Alyssa Siu Ay Be   

Samuel Lee Burgener

Christopher Collin Davis

Connor Patrick Deen

Carter Owen Traylor Echols

Brandi Leigh Evans

Nathan Paul Hambuchen

Connor Jacob Harrell

Charles Michael Hickey III

Emma Catherine Kordsmeier

Sawyer Lane Lagasse

Tillar Christine Lewis

Jann Lüken

Grant Ellis Merkel

Claudia Maria Mineo

Zachary Delain Moore

Trenton Charles Schrekenhofer

Lauren Elizabeth Smith

Jacob Lawrence Spradlin


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