The Diocese of Little Rock is blessed to have board members in the parish schools who contribute to the success of the school. The school advisory board members provide expertise and knowledge in areas such as finances, strategic planning from the perspective of the school community and other critical areas for the operation of a school.
Several years ago the diocesan policy for boards was revised from the election of members to the selection process. This allows the administrator to identity prospective members who will bring specific skills as consultors.
Administrators use a variety of ways to identify prospective members. Pastors may be asked to identify active members of the parish who have needed skills, alumni and parents of the school are considered, as well as potential and regular donors. Outgoing board members may also be asked to submit names of potential board members.
One of the most effective ways to develop a succession plan is for the administrator to appoint board members as committee chairs and invite prospective board members to work on certain committees for a year. This gives the pastor, board members and administrator a chance to get to know the person before asking him/her to serve on the board. The pastor is always involved in this process.
The most important element in having an effective board is for administrators, pastors and board members to understand their roles and responsibilities. All new board members in this diocese are required to attend an orientation session at the beginning of the school year. The orientation is conducted by the superintendent. The superintendent may also provide guidance and workshops for school boards at the local level when needed.
At the orientation sessions, the superintendent goes over the written policies and procedures for school boards as established and approved by the bishop for the “Policy and Procedure Manual for Elementary and Secondary Schools for the Diocese of Little Rock”. The following points are essential knowledge for school advisory board members.
• School advisory boards do not operate like public school boards. Members are consultative to the pastor and principal and are not a legal entity.
• The members must have a working knowledge of the mission and goals of Catholic education.
• The members understand that the school is a mission of the parish and is not independent of the operation and needs of the parish.
• The board members understand that the principal is responsible for implementing policy and procedures as related to curriculum, discipline, hiring and firing of personnel.
• Working committees with clearly written goals are to be established to enhance the mission of the school.
Effective school boards at the local level help the pastor and administrator to solve problems and sustain Catholic education. Hopefully, when individuals are asked to serve and give of their talents they will be willing to answer the call to this important ministry of the Church.