Here are some of the stories you missed if you didn't read Arkansas Catholic's April 2 issue. Some of the stories and columns in Arkansas Catholic appear only in the print and complete digital editions. To read what you're missing, subscribe today.
EWTN founder Mother Angelica dies on Easter after illness
BIRMINGHAM, Ala. (CNS) — Mother Angelica, who founded the Eternal Word Television Network and turned it into one of the world’s largest religious media operations, died March 27 at age 92.
Hunger Relief Garden to supply fresh food to food bank
It’s the morning of St. Joseph Center’s feast day celebration and a group of hardy volunteers who have reported for duty March 19 turn hoods and collars against an unseasonably cold March wind and hunker into the dirt. Along mounded rows of freshly tilled soil on this half-acre patch, they cut holes in protective plastic sheeting and one by one drop half a potato into the rich black earth.
Former Belle to head competitive summertime basketball club for boys
A new summertime basketball program for boys has been created, with an eye toward better preparing athletes for the rigors of high school play.
Pope asks Pakistan to ensure Christians’ safety
VATICAN CITY — Pope Francis appealed to the government of Pakistan to take steps to ensure the safety of the country’s Christians and other minorities the day after a terrorist bombing killed at least 70 people and injured more than 300 who were spending Easter afternoon in a public park.
Kidnapped priest in Yemen still alive: report
VATICAN CITY — The bishop who leads the apostolic vicariate that includes Yemen said he has “strong indications” that Salesian Father Tom Uzhunnalil “is still alive in the hands of his kidnappers.”
Our ultimate pilgrimage in this life is to our eternal home in heaven
I have been blessed by the opportunity to go on a pilgrimage. Others have undertaken such trips to the Holy Land of Israel, to Italy and the Vatican, gone on Marian pilgrimages to Mexico City, Lourdes, Fatima, Knock or Kibeho. Maybe you stayed stateside and made a pilgrimage to Champion, Wis., or are planning a pilgrimage that centers on the life or lives of particular saints. (Understanding our Church, Seeds of Faith)
Who is the saint you chose for confirmation?
“I chose St. Jude because he is the patron saint of hope and impossible causes. He always had hope, no matter the situation. I always like to have hope, even if it is …” (Youthspeak, Seeds of Faith)
Faithful priest on the Titanic was a model of mercy
Father Thomas Byles was 42 when he boarded the Titanic with his second-class ticket and portable altar stone. He had made arrangements with Captain Edward Smith to secure space on the ocean liner to celebrate Mass. Even on vacation a priest is never off duty, he knew, but the Catholic convert would have it no other way. (Columns)
Government must exempt religious orgs
Exxon, Chevron, Pepsi and the military are exempt. The city of New York is exempt. (Editorial)