Here are some of the stories you missed if you didn't read Arkansas Catholic's March 26 issue. Some of the stories and columns in Arkansas Catholic appear only in the print and complete digital editions. To read what you're missing, subscribe today.
A feast for the feast
Bonnie Holt, 15, lights a candle at the St. Joseph Altar March 12 at St. Joseph Church in Tontitown. (Photo)
Christians concerned with Israeli restrictions on Holy Week plans
JERUSALEM — Israeli restrictions on reaching the Church of the Holy Sepulcher for Holy Week and Easter are part of the current Israeli government’s policy of making Jerusalem an exclusively Jewish city, said Yusef Daher, secretary-general of the Jerusalem Interchurch Center.
Pope turns his attention to plight of refugees on Palm Sunday
VATICAN CITY — Just as the crowds and government officials tried to dodge responsibility for Jesus’ fate after he was arrested, so today too many individuals and countries want someone else to care for refugees fleeing violence and migrants seeking a better life, Pope Francis said.
Mother Teresa a saint: Making it official at Vatican Sept. 4
VATICAN CITY — Pope Francis will declare Blessed Teresa of Kolkata a saint at the Vatican Sept. 4.
Islamic State committing genocide against Christians, minorities
WASHINGTON — U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry said that atrocities carried out by the Islamic State group against Yezidis, Christians and other minorities were genocide, the first U.S. declaration of genocide since Sudanese actions in Darfur in 2004.
Vatican astronomer: ‘Doing science is an act of worship’
DRAPER, Utah — Jesuit Brother Guy Consolmagno finds no conflict between the science he pursues in studying meteorites and the Catholic faith he practices every day.
Book gives clear portrait of Oklahoman killed in Guatemala
Few people will encounter an actual martyr in their lives, someone who dies for his or her faith. If we were to go looking for a martyr in our times, perhaps one of the least likely places we might think to look would be on a farm in Oklahoma. (Book review)
What is your favorite story about Jesus?
“My favorite Jesus story is the one where he walked on water during a great storm. In this story, he showed the disciples his power and that he was the son of God. I like that he was able to …” (Youthspeak, Seeds of Faith)
Transitions: Scruffy beards and following God’s plan
What is it about male college students and hair? Are they proud of the spotted patches of hair they call a beard or too lazy to shave or too broke to buy a trimmer? (Columns)
#FamilyFirst should be an easy decision
What can you learn from the saga of Chicago White Sox first baseman Adam LaRoche? (Editorial)