In honor of World Youth Day 2016 in Kraków, Poland celebration July 25-31, the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops released a Pilgrimage Prayer Guide, with prayers and information for pilgrims attending World Youth Day. It included information about St. James, patron of pilgrim travelers. In medieval times, St. James’ sanctuary in Santiago de Compostela in Spain was one of the most well-traveled pilgrim routes for Christians.
“Whether on a journey to a distant shrine or to a local place of veneration and importance, it is good to pray with St. James for his protection during the journey and for our own conversion of heart before, during and after the encounter,” the guide stated. “St. James was also one of the three disciples chosen by Christ to journey with him up Mount Tabor for the Transfiguration; with this in mind, we pray with St. James that we, too, might have a transformative experience on pilgrimage.”
The prayer below (its origin unknown), is said at the end of pilgrim Masses at Camino de Santiago or “Way of St. James.”
“O God, who brought your servant Abraham
out of the land of the Chaldeans,
protecting him in his wandering across the desert,
we ask that you watch over us, your servants,
as we walk in the love of your name to (insert your destination here).
Be for us our companion on the walk,
Our guide at the crossroads,
Our breath in our weariness,
Our protection in danger,
Our home (albergue) on the Camino,
Our shade in the heat,
Our light in the darkness,
Our consolation in our discouragements,
And our strength in our intentions
So that with your guidance we may arrive safe and sound
at the end of the road and enriched with grace and virtue
we return safely to our homes filled with joy.
In the name of Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen.
Apostle Santiago, pray for us.
Santa Maria, pray for us.”
The full guide can be found at
A list of U.S. Catholic heritage sites for pilgrimages (the lists do not include Arkansas) can be found at
U.S. Catholic holy sites by state can be found at