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Here are some of the stories you missed if you didn't read Arkansas Catholic's Feb. 6 issue. Some of the stories and columns in Arkansas Catholic appear only in the print and complete digital editions. To read what you're missing, subscribe today.


More than 1,000 missionaries sent

VATICAN CITY — More than 1,000 “missionaries of mercy” from all over the world will receive a special mandate from Pope Francis to preach and teach about God’s mercy, said Archbishop Rino Fisichella.

Love of elephants, grandkids lead teacher to first children’s book

CONWAY — Last Thanksgiving, as the usual large gathering of family sat down to the annual meal, Melanie Page Kordsmeier made an announcement that even upstaged the turkey.

Holy doors open for pilgrims to visit during jubilee days

Since the blessing of the holy door for the Year of Mercy at Our Lady of Good Counsel Church in Little Rock Dec. 13, there has been a steady stream of faithful pilgrims experiencing the merciful love of the Father.

City proclamation

Russellville Mayor Randy Horton (left) proclaims Catholic Schools Week throughout the city Feb. 1 with the support of St. John School principal Mark Tyler and pastor Father Jack Sidler (right). (Photo)

Some priests decline to be appointed as bishop, Vatican confirms

VATICAN CITY — Although the number is not high, it is no longer “exceptional” to have priests turn down an appointment as bishop, said Canadian Cardinal Marc Ouellet, prefect of the Congregation for Bishops.


Harrison Gonelas Doré, 93, a member of Mary Mother of God Church in Harrison, died Jan. 11. He is survived by …

Catholic Charities helping Flint residents with water crisis

FLINT, Mich. — Following the discovery of lead in the city of Flint’s drinking water, relief organizations have been working day and night to provide safe water to those living and working in the community.

Snow-bound parishioners experience outdoor Mass in a blizzard

SIOUX CITY, Iowa — Father Patrick Behm of Le Mars confessed to being overwhelmed by all the attention.

Arguments in HHS mandate to begin March 23

WASHINGTON (CNS) — The U.S. Supreme Court Jan. 29 announced that it will hear oral arguments March 23 in seven pending appeals in lawsuits brought by several Catholic and other faith-based entities against the Obama administration’s contraceptive mandate.

More details announced for events in El Paso

PHOENIX (CNS) — Details about road closures, possible delays at border crossings and a celebration on the U.S. side are surfacing as El Paso, Texas, prepares for the pope’s coming visit to its sister city, Ciudad Juarez in Mexico.

Several Top Ten movies of 2015 inspired by true events

NEW YORK — While the outstanding films of the year just past covered a wide range of traditional genres, from sci-fi adventures to sports stories, fact-based titles predominated to a notable degree. A musical biopic, a Cold War spy duel, the tale of canny investors who managed to profit from a worldwide economic downturn: all were grist for high-quality big-screen treatment.

Children can help their parents grow deeper in the faith, holiness

I love one of St. John Paul’s images for how we are the “image of God.” The pope taught that in Genesis 1, God created humanity as a relationship — “male and female he created them” — thereby emphasizing the couple’s relationship as an incarnation of Trinitarian unity.  (Understanding our Church, Seeds of Faith)

How do you put your faith in action?

“I put my faith into action daily by putting others before myself and by trying to be kind and loving to all that I meet. … “ (Youthspeak, Seeds of Faith)

#Catholicgoals: How to rise above Instagram envy

Melina Birchem has uploaded 777 images to her Instagram account over the past two years: sushi, Starbucks, her new tattoo, rosary beads, cowboy boots. Sometimes the juxtaposition is jarring. A glowing monstrance, a chilled margarita. A snapshot from waitressing, a prayer journal documenting her consecration to the Blessed Mother. (Columns)

British scientists trying to play God

A line that shouldn’t be crossed has been ignored in China and soon in England. Genetically modified human embryos are the first step toward “designer babies.” Supporters might think the Church is the only one against this scientific “advancement.” (Editorial)

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Formation Day

The next Parish Catechist Formation Days will be held March 22 at St. James Church in…