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Pope: Don’t confuse marriage with other kinds of unions

VATICAN CITY — Pope Francis said there can be no confusion between God’s plan for marriage as an indissoluble bond between one man and woman who are open to life, and other sorts of unions.

Mercy project

Elisabeth Straessle, an eighth-grader at Our Lady of the Holy Souls School in Little Rock, displays a pair of jeans donated to her Teens for Jeans drive. (Photo)

It’s official: Foot-washing may include women

VATICAN CITY — Following a request by Pope Francis, the Vatican issued a decree specifying that the Holy Thursday foot-washing ritual can include “all members of the people of God,” including women — a practice already observed by the pope and many priests around the world.

Pope tells Iran’s president he has ‘high hopes’ for peace

VATICAN CITY — Meeting with Iranian President Hassan Rouhani at the Vatican, Pope Francis told him he had high hopes for peace.

On Roe’s 43rd anniversary, March for Life aimed at religious liberty

WASHINGTON — Catholic admonitions about inclusion mixed with strong political language before the March of Life got underway Jan. 22 in Washington.

‘State of Abortion’ report: Abortion count, rate both down

WASHINGTON — Both the number of abortions and the rate of abortion is dropping, according to figures released in the third annual “State of Abortion in America” report issued by the National Right to Life Committee.

Knights’ goal to work closely with parishes, not build new halls

LEVITTOWN, Pa. — The Knights of Columbus has announced an initiative designed to bring the Knights into closer cooperation with parishes.

For the children

In December, members of the Mount St. Mary Academy Beta Club collected toys and clothes as Christmas gifts that served approximately 40 children in the Court Appointed Special Advocates program for Pulaski County. (Photo)

What do you do to relax?

“When I relax, I play with my dog Sawyer. My sister and I dance on the XBox. I play video games with my …” (Youthspeak, Seeds of Faith)

We should proclaim message that we are chosen by God

Choosing a qualified candidate to lead our nation is not an easy task. I like some qualities of each candidate but not all qualities in a single candidate. (Columns)

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