Arkansas Catholic delivers ’good news’ to the faithful

Here are some of the stories you missed if you didn't read Arkansas Catholic's Jan. 9 issue. Some of the stories and columns in Arkansas Catholic appear only in the print and complete digital editions. To read what you're missing, subscribe today.

Mother Teresa to be canonized a saint Sept. 4

VATICAN CITY — Pope Francis has approved a miracle attributed to the intercession of Blessed Teresa of Kolkata, thus paving the way for her canonization.


Donald Ray Albrecht II, 19, a member of St. Bernard Church in Bella Vista, died Nov. 25. He is survived by …

A holy night

St. Anthony Parish in Weiner presented a live outdoor nativity Dec. 6.  The nativity play was followed by … (Photo)

How do you live out your faith in the midst of the world?

“When I think of living my faith out in the midst of the world, I think of showing everyone that I am Catholic. I want everyone to know. I live my faith by …” (Youthspeak, Seeds of Faith)

Advent season celebrates Christ coming to us now and at our death

As the new year begins, we are completing the time in the Church’s year of worship which highlights the Advent of the Savior. The liturgy understands this as applying to Jesus in two ways: the coming of Jesus at his birth — “He was born of the Virgin Mary”; and his coming at the end of time — “He will come again in glory to judge the living and the dead.”  (Understanding our Church, Seeds of Faith)

During Year of Mercy let Jesus help you grow

January can be a drag, a real letdown. The remaining Christmas cookies are stale crumbs and the tree, once so respected, has been ingloriously dragged out of the house to be recycled into mulch. One by one, the Christmas lights in the neighborhood have gone out, as if some festive power grid is failing, and night seems a little darker. (Columns)

Pleasing God with mercy, forgiveness

The Year of Mercy should challenge us to understand what spiritual or divine mercy really is. In the secular sense, mercy is showing compassion or forgiveness to someone who is within your power to punish. A principal not choosing to turn in a vandal to the police and instead showing compassion for the crime is mercy. A judge can show mercy by giving someone an alternative sentence instead of jail time. Parents constantly show mercy to disobedient children. (Editorial)

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