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Here are some of the stories you missed if you didn't read Arkansas Catholic's Dec. 5 issue. Some of the stories and columns in Arkansas Catholic appear only in the print and complete digital editions. To read what you're missing, subscribe today.

Pope prays for ‘salam,’ peace, in Africa

BANGUI, Central African Republic — Pope Francis ended his visit to the violence-torn Central African Republic with cries for peace and pleas for a mercy that seeks and grants forgiveness.

Clinic shooting called ‘pure evil’

COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. — A priest who celebrates Mass every Friday morning on a sidewalk near the Planned Parenthood clinic targeted by a lone gunman Nov. 27 said the shooter’s actions were the antithesis of the pro-life cause.

O Come, O Come, Emmanuel

Father Patrick Boland, OSB, blesses the Advent wreath before lunch in the Subiaco Abbey refectory Nov. 29, the first Sunday of Advent. (Photo)


Billie “Bill Joe” Joseph Carter Sr., 77, a member of St. Joseph Church in Conway, died Nov. 11. He is survived by …

Magazine’s cover story reveals Mary’s appeal to Christians, Muslims

WASHINGTON — Maureen Orth, a special correspondent for Vanity Fair magazine who has written about music icons, world leaders and Hollywood celebrities, tackled a completely different subject for National Geographic magazine: the Virgin Mary.

On eve of U.N. climate summit, Catholics join call for change

PARIS (CNS) — Hundreds of thousands of people in at least 150 countries around the world demanded action on climate change on the eve of a U.N. conference that aimed to find agreement on greenhouse gas emissions.

Retelling of clergy abuse scandal in ‘Spotlight’ can be painful

NEW YORK — The clergy-abuse-themed drama “Spotlight” (Open Road) is a movie no Catholic will want to see. Whether it’s a film many mature Catholics ought to see is a different question entirely. (Movie review)

Protecting security, welcoming refugees is not an ‘either-or’ discussion

The Nov. 13 terrorist attacks in Paris has had two very obvious effects in our own country. The first was an immediate sense of solidarity with the people of France. Many have referred to the Nov. 13 attacks as France’s 9/11, allowing solidarity and compassion to overcome any differences between French and U.S. geopolitical strategies, differences which were most evident in the 2003 U.S.-led invasion of Iraq. (Understanding our Church, Seeds of Faith)

Catholic family with 13 sons says ‘no’ to reality TV

The wedding that Tyler Schwandt and his fiancée are planning could’ve been broadcast on national TV. But he’s perfectly content with a quieter, more intimate wedding Mass. (Columns)

When we turn away refugees, terrorists win

Two and a half months ago, the plight of international refugees received renewed attention after media outlets around the world published photos of Alan Kurdi, the 3-year-old boy from Syria who drowned with other family members when they fell from a raft trying to reach Greece. (Guest commentary)

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