National Catholic Sisters Week announces a $50,000 mini-grant program

The National Catholic Sisters Week organization announces it will award up to $50,000 in event-based mini-grants to organizations across the country that host events celebrating the profound and positive impact of Catholic sisters.

“The goal of our mini-grant initiative is to provide communities and organizations with resources to celebrate the commitment, compassion and influential work of women religious,” said Sister Mary Soher, OP, co-executive director of the Hilton Sisters Project, National Catholic Sisters Week. “We’re calling on people across the country to honor women religious and to bring greater awareness to the lives of these incredible women.”

NCSW will award mini-grants for amounts up to $1,000 providing groups with additional funding resources to host local events and activities during the annual NCSW, March 8-14, 2016. A myriad for events ideas are welcome and can range from formal to informal, large or small. Past events have included book clubs, service projects, a motherhouse tour, a 5K run and more.

“Celebrating and sharing first-hand stories about the positive impact of sisters serves as an inspiration to youth and young adults today,” continued Sister Mary.

This week-long celebration takes place in conjunction with National Women’s History Month. If inspired, grantees are welcomed to organize an event to reflect the 2016 theme "Working to form a more perfect union: Honoring Women in Public Service and Government."

The deadline for submissions is rolling. All grant applications must be received through email or regular mail no later than Jan. 2, 2016 in order to be considered. Recipients of the grants will be announced in January. The grant application is available on the NCSW website.


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