Pastor changes coming to Fayetteville, Little Rock

Bishop Anthony B. Taylor annoucned the following pastoral appointments.

Effective Dec. 1

  • Rev. Jason Tyler appointed pastor of St. Joseph Church in Fayetteville, Our Lady of the Ozarks Church in Winslow and Chapel of Sts. Peter and Paul in Lincoln. He is relieved of his responsibilities as pastor of St. Edward Church in Little Rock.
  • Rev. Gregory T. Luyet, JCL, appointed pastor of St. Edward Church in Little Rock. He is relieved of his responsibilities as pastor of St. Rose of Lima Church in Carlisle and Holy Trinity Church in England. He remains judicial vicar of the Diocese of Little Rock.
  • Rev. Shaun Wesley appointed administrator of St. Rose of Lima Church in Carlisle and Holy Trinity Church in England. He is relieved of his responsibilities as pastor of St. Joseph Church in Fayetteville, Our Lady of the Ozarks Church in Winslow and Chapel of Sts. Peter and Paul in Lincoln.

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