Arkansas Catholic brings you up-to-date Catholic news

Here are some of the stories you missed if you didn't read Arkansas Catholic's Aug. 29 issue. Some of the stories and columns in Arkansas Catholic appear only in the print and complete digital editions. To read what you're missing, subscribe today.

Archdiocese of New Orleans forever changed by Katrina

NEW ORLEANS — They are calling it “Kat 10” — Hurricane Katrina plus 10 years — which carries with it the double meaning of an ominous meteorological warning.

Odyssey brings blessings for New Orleans priest

NEW ORLEANS — Like many of his brother priests, Father Dennis Hayes decided to take his chances and stay put as Katrina teased the Louisiana coast, hoping the storm’s Category 5 fury would spare his parish of St. Louise de Marillac in Arabi.

Sister Maria Rose had a long-time Benedictine dream

Sister Maria Rose Carter professed first vows as an Olivetan Benedictine of Holy Angels Convent in Jonesboro Aug. 1. Sister Maria Rose, a native of Lutcher, La., is the fifth child of Eugene and Evelyn Carter.

Educators say Israeli policies could force schools to close

AMMAN, Jordan — Dozens of Christian schools in Israel could be shutting their doors this school year, but a Catholic priest is hoping a meeting with government officials can avoid that.

What do you do to stay spiritually healthy?

“I love how my school gives me so many opportunities to stay spiritually healthy! I stay refreshed in my faith life by …” (Youthspeak, Seeds of Faith)

Don’t ignore God’s mighty voice calling us to change

Walking to my car after work, I glare at the darkened western sky. Looks like a summer squall, I thought. The National Weather Service interrupts the radio broadcast warning me that a storm is approaching from the west with high winds, heavy rains and hail. The warning area was large, but I thought my drive would avoid the storm’s strongest area. (Columns)

Eight executions on the way for state

On one hand you have states like Connecticut that are striking down the death penalty; and then you have states like Arkansas that are going to continue as hard as it can to keep executions as an option in the state.

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