Here are some of the stories you missed if you didn't read Arkansas Catholic's Aug. 22 issue. Some of the stories and columns in Arkansas Catholic appear only in the print and complete digital editions. To read what you're missing, subscribe today.
Security will be a challenge for pope’s U.S. visit
WASHINGTON — It comes as no surprise that security promises to be extremely tight everywhere Pope Francis goes during his U.S. trip in September — so tight that no one is saying much about it.
Nana Francis Gonsalves, 94, a member of Our Lady of Good Counsel Church in Little Rock, died Aug. 1. She is survived by …
More people fit in church at Rogers
These churches have the most seats and fewest seats in the Diocese of Little Rock, according to statistics gathered for the bishop’s office in October 2014.
Catholic Crossword
ACROSS / 1. Five virgins in Matthew 25 / 5. Equips / 9. Poor actors / 13. Mountain goat (Seeds of Faith)
Can children be punished for their parents’ sins?
Q. “The sins of the fathers are visited on the children.” Is that saying an adage, a Catholic teaching or God’s own words? Thirteen years ago, two relatives of mine received an equal and large bequest. An oral directive from the deceased said … (Question Corner, Seeds of Faith)
Our lives are important only in eyes of God
This summer, my husband and I did something we didn’t do when we lived in Alaska — we took road trips throughout 48 states. And in some of those places we visited cemeteries. (Columns)
More wise leaders are what we need
The political season is upon us. About 20 people have announced their candidacy for the office of president of the United States, and by this time next year the battle for the White House and for many other local, state and federal offices will be raging. What should we look for in the people who present themselves for our consideration as leaders? (Guest Commentary)