Diocese signs letter of intent for Jonesboro property

Blessed Sacrament Church in Jonesboro.
Blessed Sacrament Church in Jonesboro.

The Diocese of Little Rock announced June 1 that a non-binding letter of intent was signed to sell the property currently occupied by  Blessed Sacrament Church in downtown Jonesboro to St. Bernards Healthcare. Bishop Anthony B. Taylor signed the LOI on behalf of the parish of Blessed Sacrament May 21.

In 2002, Blessed Sacrament Church completed the purchase of 20 acres of property on Highland Drive in Jonesboro as the future site for all its facilities. In 2011, the parish completed construction of a 28,000-square-foot elementary school at the Highland property. The sale of the downtown property would provide an opportunity for the parish to complete its move to Highland Drive. Specific construction plans and a supporting capital campaign are being discussed by the parish for presentation to Bishop Taylor.

The parties will continue to negotiate the terms of the sale with a goal of having a definitive agreement by Sept. 1. In addition to the Bishop Taylor’s approval, the definitive agreement will require the approval of the pastor, parish finance and pastoral councils, the Diocesan Finance Council and the College of Consultors.

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