“This week, Holy Week, which leads us to Easter, we will take this path of Jesus’ own humiliation. Only in this way will this week be holy for us, too.” — Pope Francis
The holiest week in the Church calendar begins on Palm Sunday and continues through Easter.
“This week, Holy Week, which leads us to Easter, we will take this path of Jesus’ own humiliation,” Pope Francis said. “Only in this way will this week be holy for us, too.”
Palm Sunday, one week before Easter, is also known as Passion Sunday. Palms are blessed and the Passion is read during Mass.
On Holy Thursday, the Triduum begins. During Mass the Last Supper is remembered and the institution of the Eucharist and the priesthood are honored. Good Friday is the only day of the year when no Masses are celebrated worldwide. A service to venerate the cross and Stations of the Cross are held. On Holy Saturday, the Mass begins at sundown. New Catholics are welcomed into the Church. On Easter Sunday, the resurrection of Jesus is celebrated.
The Easter season continues through Pentecost May 24.