On Divine Mercy Sunday I recall an incident that happened two years ago on Divine Mercy Sunday. I was visiting my daughter in Alexandria, Va., and was unable to go to church that morning. About mid-morning I walked outside the apartment building on my way to a grocery store next door.
As I walked down the sidewalk, I noticed a frail lady walking ahead of me. And coming across the grass towards us was a big white goose. The lady turned and looked at me with terror in her eyes.
"I'm afraid of that goose!" she said.
I quickly caught up with her, put my arm around her waist and said, "I'll walk with you." Together we walked to the grocery store.
Later that day I thought how merciful it was of the Lord to grant me the privilege of showing mercy on Divine Mercy Sunday — especially since I was feeling sorry for myself for not getting to go to church.
But only today, two years later, do I understand what the Lord was saying to me through the frail lady's fear of the goose. I had felt sorry for her for being terrified of a goose, but He wanted me to know that my fears, too, have a goose factor.
There is no reason at all for a Christian to fear. Jesus says firmly, "Fear not." And in Philippians St. Paul urges, "Be anxious for nothing … " To fear is to disobey God. He wants us to trust Him just as a little child trusts his loving parents. I don't think anything pleases God more than our total trust. A goose is a beautiful creature, but fear is beautiful only if we use it to run into our loving Father's arms.
Fran Presley writes from Texarkana.