Diocese announces 2014-2015 school calendar

The Diocese of Little Rock recently released its 2014-2015 calendar for Little Rock, North Little Rock, Benton and Hot Springs schools.

The first day for classes will be Aug. 13 and the last day will be May 28, 2015. Spring break will be March 23-27 like other private and public schools in the state.  

On the following days schools will be closed:

  • Sept. 1: Labor Day
  • Sept. 26: Professional Day
  • Nov. 26-28: Thanksgiving
  • Dec. 22-Jan. 2: Christmas
  • Jan. 19: Martin Luther King Jr. holiday
  • Feb. 16: Presidents Day
  • April 3: Good Friday
  • May 25: Memorial Day

School closures for parent-teacher conference will vary from school to school, superintendent Vernell Bowen said. The Catholic Schools Office noted that eighth graders cannot get out earlier than May 13.

Unlike this school calendar when no snow days were scheduled, next year’s calendar will include three snow days.

Schools outside central Arkansas are given an option of starting school Aug. 13 or delaying it until Aug. 18. Schools starting Aug. 18 would end the school year June. 2, 2015.


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