Sister professes vows

Sister Regina Rose Pearson
Sister Regina Rose Pearson

Sister Regina Rose Pearson professed her temporary vows in the Congregation of The Franciscan Sisters of Christian Charity June 2 at Holy Family Convent in Manitowoc, Wis. Bishop Robert Morneau and five other priests concelebrated the Eucharistic Liturgy. During the liturgy, Sister Louise Hembrecht, community director of the Franciscan Sisters, received Sister Regina Rose’s vows while Sister Regina Rose’s father, her siblings, the Franciscan sisters as well as others in attendance witnessed the solemn occasion.

Sister Regina Rose is the daughter of the late Kathleen Pearson and Robert Pearson of Bella Vista. She earned a bachelor's degree in education from the University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, prior to entering Holy Family Convent. Since then she has been attending classes at Silver Lake College of the Holy Family. Sister Regina Rose is looking forward to her new assignment as family life coordinator at St. Peter the Fisherman Parish in Two Rivers, Wis.

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